Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trekpay,No Counter Time, More Earn Money

There are many ways to earn money from internet, one of many is TREKPAY (PTC, Paid To Click). The advantages of the Trekpay is no counter time when you are clicking ads, when you used other PTC programs, you need to wait for next ad clicking, on Trekpay you can click on all ads simultaneously.

With no counter time for click on the ads, you can be more efficient and get more MONEY.

Other Excess is the amount of ads that offered every day can reach 15 ads, compared to many other PTC is only 4-5 ads per day.

It's very easy, if the money you've reached the minimum payout $ 5.5 you will be paid on Thursdays pay every week, not bad right?

Payment will be undertaken through paypal, if you do not have paypal account, please register paypal HERE

Are you interesting ? click here.…..


  1. Bisa dicoba juga nih, untuk tambah2 koleksi dollar di paypal.

  2. million ways: simple way, just click on ads on daily basis, this PTC more easy than the others.

    Cerita anak :
    betul sekali bos,menurutku ini lebih mudah di banding pTC yang lain...

  3. Nice Info... I was registed ago...

  4. akh, gw daftar slalu kagak bisa...
    katanya tidak boleh ada akun ganda..
    padahal gw daftar pake akun beda2 ama paypal juga yg beda..

    masih bagus g tu?
    ni ye gw daftar lagi, pake ref elu...
    doain ye, thx..

  5. sori, lupa smile$$$..
    keep u'r smile to me....

  6. Thanks, mas galih..
    sampai saat ini trekpay masih legit PTC alias bisa di percaya...memang tidak boleh ada akun ganda dalam 1 no IP, walaupun paypal beda klo daftarnya dari IP komputer yang sama akan di hold ( setahu saya), coba daftar dari warnet sehingga no IP bisa beda..
    aku doain dech biar lancar... selamat berburu...

  7. tambah semangat buat cari dolar neh abis baca infonya ...makasi bro

  8. yo mas, suwun ataz dukungan'e...
    mas, foto background di header dari mana mas? apa dari kampung emas..?
    jitak$$ for u...

  9. Mas Galih,
    itu foto kampung halaman.......
    biar selalu ingat hehehehee..

  10. A hug is the perfect gift ... one size fits all ...&... nobody minds if you exchange it :)

  11. Dorothy : you are absolutely right....thanks
